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event status is null

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event status is null Empty event status is null

Post  kiz01 Mon Nov 09, 2009 3:25 pm

Just recently I started getting the following error:

name: TypeError
message: 'gd$eventStatus.value' is null or not an object
number: -2146823281
description: 'gd$eventStatus.value' is null or not an object

I started searching around for the cause and found more information in the debug.log file which led me to a specific calendar (I actually have about 5 calendars being monitored here) and an event that I had been invited to but had not replied to - hence the event.status was null. I responded to the request and the error cleared up.

This is something you may want to look into.


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event status is null Empty Re: event status is null

Post  Admin Mon Nov 09, 2009 5:09 pm

thx for the info


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