Ilab Windows Vista Sidebar gadgets
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New translations

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Post  Admin Wed Nov 25, 2009 9:51 pm

I would like to translate the gadget to some language. What should I do?

The language files are located in c:\Users\[your os user]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar\Gadgets\GoogleCalendar.gadget\language. Just copy english.js to a new name which should be the english name of the new language with a .js extension. Then translate its content. There are several comments in the file, which might help in the translation. Please note that the encoding of the file must be Unicode! When you are done, you can choose the new language on the gadget's settings panel, as the new language will show up in the combobox automatically. If you are done and you wish to share the translation, you can send the file to me in email and it will be published in the next version.


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Join date : 2008-10-13

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