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problems with fre and pro versions of calendars on new netbook - please help!

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problems with fre and pro versions of calendars on new netbook - please help! Empty problems with fre and pro versions of calendars on new netbook - please help!

Post  Danielle Fri Mar 12, 2010 2:21 pm

Hi there,
First of all, I use and love the free google calendar on my desktop. It is my favorite gadget. I have a touchsmart window 7 operating system. No issues there. However on my new asus touch t91mt with windows 7 home premium, I cannot get the free version to show the currents days events. It starts at Monday of next week even though I have events scheduled today. also, the times are displaying incorrectly. I have the correct date and time on my computer. On the pro gadget version, it shows events with no dates, just reminders that you can click on to link to the real google calendar. Do you all know what is going on with this? any ideas? I really want one of these gadgets to work well and the free version works perfectly on my desktop! Argg! I have closed it out and logged in several times, and I am logged in correctly. Thanks


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Join date : 2010-03-12

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problems with fre and pro versions of calendars on new netbook - please help! Empty Re: problems with fre and pro versions of calendars on new netbook - please help!

Post  Danielle Fri Mar 12, 2010 2:37 pm

i changed the time zone on my computer bc of a hint found here and that fixed the incorrect time. yeah! remaining issue on free version, is that today's events do not display - starts at Monday -- where are today's events? i have it set to display 7 days. any ideas? still would like to try the pro version but want the calendar dates view, not reminders.


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Join date : 2010-03-12

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problems with fre and pro versions of calendars on new netbook - please help! Empty Re: problems with fre and pro versions of calendars on new netbook - please help!

Post  Admin Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:30 pm

Danielle, please make sure that you have selected all the calendars on settings panel you are interested in. If yes, i need to check what happens in detail, so please send me the log as it is described in

I don't really get what you write about the pro version, that should look like pretty much the same as the free one. Could you send a screenshot with both gadgets on so that I can see the difference?


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problems with fre and pro versions of calendars on new netbook - please help! Empty Re: problems with fre and pro versions of calendars on new netbook - please help!

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