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Gmail feauture request

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Gmail feauture request Empty Gmail feauture request

Post  Mr. Jinx Sat Apr 24, 2010 1:57 pm

I'm using the googler sidebar and it works very nice.
One feature request. When there is new mail, you see a big 'New Mail' logo in the gadget, but then it is hard to see the subjects of the new mails. Wouldn't it be possbile to put the logo on the top-left, maybe a bit smaller, so you can read all new subjects?
Also, it would be very cool if the new mails are clickable. So when you click on a new mails subject, it opens the correct mail in your browser.

That's all Smile

ps: the contact form on this site doesn't seem to work. The captcha check refuses.

Mr. Jinx

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Gmail feauture request Empty Re: Gmail feauture request

Post  Admin Sat Apr 24, 2010 4:33 pm

I am a bit confused. The new-mail-logo should look something like
Gmail feauture request Goo-mail
The subjects of the mails are almost invisible behind the semi-transparent layer. However, if you click anywhere besides the new mail logo (the semi-transparent layer), you should see the senders and subjects like
Gmail feauture request Goo-mailpreview
Isn't this behaviour OK?

I'll check the possibilities for opening a particular email, not only GMail webUI.

Btw, I have just checked the contact form, works for me Shocked


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Join date : 2008-10-13

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Gmail feauture request Empty Re: Gmail feauture request

Post  Mr. Jinx Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:14 pm

You are right, when you click around the logo, the email-subjects are visible.
I personally think it would be nice if the subjects are visible without clicking, and just add a small logo telling there is new mail.
Without hidding the subjects.

Once you click on a subject, your browrser should open the correct gmail message. That would be nice!

About the contact form, I must be doing something wrong then. Tried sending it about 10 times with different codes but it never accpeted it. Never mind Embarassed

Mr. Jinx

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Gmail feauture request Empty Re: Gmail feauture request

Post  Admin Sat Apr 24, 2010 7:02 pm

Thanks, I'll consider your suggestion, that sounds fine for me.

Some info for the captcha contact form: it is always two words and there is a space between them.


Posts : 693
Join date : 2008-10-13

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Gmail feauture request Empty Re: Gmail feauture request

Post  Valery_Kondakoff Fri Jun 11, 2010 8:15 am

Personally I'm missing the 'delete' and 'report spam' functionality when clicking on mail subjects. It is a good idea to have a way to get rid of unneeded mail without opening Gmail in browser

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Join date : 2010-06-04
Location : Russia, Moscow

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Gmail feauture request Empty Re: Gmail feauture request

Post  Admin Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:35 pm

Valery_Kondakoff wrote:Personally I'm missing the 'delete' and 'report spam' functionality when clicking on mail subjects. It is a good idea to have a way to get rid of unneeded mail without opening Gmail in browser

Yes, that would be nice, the only problem is, that Google decided to keep GMail in her own hand, that is, no GMail API is published. Sigh.


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Join date : 2008-10-13

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Gmail feauture request Empty Re: Gmail feauture request

Post  Valery_Kondakoff Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:57 pm

Here is one of open-sources Gmail notification programs (for Linux/Unix) which claims to be able to mark messages as read and report spam: Maybe looking at the sources will give you some ideas - how to implement this in Googler?

Posts : 13
Join date : 2010-06-04
Location : Russia, Moscow

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Gmail feauture request Empty Re: Gmail feauture request

Post  Admin Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:45 pm

Thanks, I will check when I'll have some time...


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