Ilab Windows Vista Sidebar gadgets
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12AM Events Not Showing

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12AM Events Not Showing Empty 12AM Events Not Showing

Post  Ginseng Tue Sep 21, 2010 3:41 am

I love this gadget and am using it on numerous computers as a family/work calendar. Thank you for making it! I am using Google Calendar Gadget on a Win7 computer. My question is this: I work shift work and want my shift to show up at the top of the daily list so I enter it as 12:00 AM. An entry will say D , N, or O. Which stands for days, nights or off. This system works well for us except, they don't show up on the gadget. Am I missing something in the configuration?


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12AM Events Not Showing Empty Re: 12AM Events Not Showing

Post  Admin Tue Sep 21, 2010 4:23 pm

I have just quick added "D tomorrow at 12:00 AM" which resulted a D event tomorrow at 00:00 which is a bit strange for me but... whatever.

Are these events show up tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and so on and they are not shown only for the actual day? Or... ? FYI, there is a setting "Hide past events" and if this is checked, your event will not shown after it is finished, i.e. if you have a D event 00:00-01:00 then it won't be shown after 01:00.


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12AM Events Not Showing Empty Re: 12AM Events Not Showing

Post  Ginseng Wed Sep 22, 2010 4:20 am

The event in this case, D, was added to the Google calendar but didn't bring it forward into the Gadget. I just did the same thing as you. I added, to the gadget "D tomorrow at 12:00 AM" . It did as you say, posted 0:00. This is ok but I still want to be assured that when I do the entry in the Google Calendar, it will transfer forward into the gadget. I use the gadget on multiple computers.

These events are repeating. For example, D might be Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of one week and then repeats every 4 weeks.

I do not have Hide Past Events ticked. As an added note, I downloaded the most recent beta version to try. This problem was happening before the beta download. I was hoping that the problem would be fixed with the new dowload. I have discovered another problem in the beta version. When I go into settings, I find that it takes a very long time after I click OK or CANCEL for the action to complete and the window to close.

Thank you for your prompt response.


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12AM Events Not Showing Empty Re: 12AM Events Not Showing

Post  Admin Wed Sep 22, 2010 7:28 pm

Nah, strange.

Please switch on trace mode (this is important!) on settings/others tab, then send me the log file attached in email to info at Then I should see what's going on.


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Join date : 2008-10-13

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12AM Events Not Showing Empty Re: 12AM Events Not Showing

Post  Admin Thu Sep 23, 2010 9:36 pm

Aaaaaauhhh, it was damn tricky (because I am in other timezone than you, so for me they were displayed fine).

The issue comes from the coexistence of the following:
1. The end time and start time are equal for these events (strange, this shouldn't happen)
2. The end time is 00:00 in your timezone
3. There is a rule that events ending at 00:00 should not be displayed on the day of 00:00 (well, the case when start time is also the 00:00 should be an exception)

As you said you use the latest beta, I uploaded


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Join date : 2008-10-13

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12AM Events Not Showing Empty Re: 12AM Events Not Showing

Post  Ginseng Thu Sep 23, 2010 9:58 pm

Thank you for making it. I look forward to more....more....more!

Also, thank you so much for your personal contact and dedication to fix my challenge. Again, this is a great little gadget that I will use lots!


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