Ilab Windows Vista Sidebar gadgets
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Themes: non supported versions that are unusable undeletable

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Themes: non supported versions that are unusable undeletable Empty Themes: non supported versions that are unusable undeletable

Post  MuVariant Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:09 am

I want to use the light-blue.v1.1 theme which I have been using since I purchased this gadget. I have version 1.2.3 and the theme is for 1.2.2. Version 1.2.3 has been out a while, but the additional themes are still a version behind. Is anybody ever going to update the themes to work with the current version?

If I try to use the current themes in 1.2.3 they get labeled as "not supported format". In addition, I can't delete them once their in. If I try so select them the settings pane does nothing till I select one of the pre-installed themes. Except wood. That one does not work either. The following is the trace info when trying to click the theme "light-blue.v1.1" which is the one I want to use.

2011-07-21T00:38:53: [Settings.x5221x]
2011-07-21T00:38:53: [Settings.x5221x]
Selected object not found
2011-07-21T00:39:00: [Main.x6277x]
2011-07-21T00:39:00: [Main.x9739x]
2011-07-21T00:39:00: [Main.x4383x] Mode: event

Is there a hack or something that can be done to get these things to work? I tried changing the version from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 in the theme.conf file and it loaded normally without the "not supported format". But I can't use it because once again the settings pane freezes up till I select a pre-installed theme other than wood.1.1. Please help, the other themes just don't "work" for me.



Posts : 4
Join date : 2010-03-14

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Themes: non supported versions that are unusable undeletable Empty More Info

Post  MuVariant Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:24 am

I tried going back to an earlier version by deleting version 1.2.3 and reinstalling version 1.2.2. Now the themes are compatible ... and they still don't work. I get the same behavior as version 1.2.3 as posted above. The only difference is that I don't get the "non supported version" message in the interface. It just hangs until I choose a preinstalled theme besides wood. So this is probably not a versioning issue. This is an incompatibility with some component of Windows 7 issue. At least that's my guess and that's way, way over my head. How about preinstalling ALL the themes and releasing a new version? I really want to use the "light blue" theme as it looks the best and I can't install it.



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Join date : 2010-03-14

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Themes: non supported versions that are unusable undeletable Empty Re: Themes: non supported versions that are unusable undeletable

Post  Admin Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:31 pm

It is probably because you installed Internet Explorer 9 which introduced a javascript bug which affects theme choosing in the gadget. You can downgrade to IE8 or I could publish a fix version for IE9... hmm


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Join date : 2008-10-13

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Themes: non supported versions that are unusable undeletable Empty IE9 Javascript Bug

Post  MuVariant Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:07 am

Thanks for your prompt reply.

As you could guess, I really rather not downgrade to IE8 from IE9. Even if I knew how. If you could make a workaround patch for this that would be wonderful.



Posts : 4
Join date : 2010-03-14

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Themes: non supported versions that are unusable undeletable Empty Re: Themes: non supported versions that are unusable undeletable

Post  Admin Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:27 pm

Please try this: Googler.gadget


Posts : 693
Join date : 2008-10-13

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Themes: non supported versions that are unusable undeletable Empty It works! Thanks!

Post  MuVarian Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:41 pm

It works! Thanks!


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