New Translation: Portuguese-Brazil
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New Translation: Portuguese-Brazil
Dear Ilab,
I am sending my contribution. Translation Portuguese Brazil. I used 1.2.0 version
Name File: Portuguese-Brazil.js
Thank´s for this helpful gadget
I am sending my contribution. Translation Portuguese Brazil. I used 1.2.0 version
Name File: Portuguese-Brazil.js
- Code:
// General rules:
// - The encoding of the file, which is Unicode, must not be changed.
// - The name of the file should be [language].js where [language] is the
// name of the languages in English.
// - You can just put the file in directory "language" under the gadget
// directory and this is integrated automatically, you can choose
// the language on settings panel.
// This will be displayed in the language selector combobox on
// settings panel.
languagedisplay: "PortugueseBrazil",
// Recurrence part is for translating ical recurrence info returned
// by Google Calendar API to a human readable form.
recurrence: {
// These are templates for the supported types of recurrences.
// In the templates, #1#, #2# and #3# will be replaced to the
// proper data, see the examples after the templates.
types: {
weekly_byday: "Toda #1# semana na #2#", // E.g.: Every 2nd week on tuesday
montyly_byday: "Todo #1# mês em #2# #3#", // E.g.: Every 2nd month on the third tuesday
monthly_bymonthday: "Todo #1# mês em #2#", // E.g.: Every 2nd month on the 27th
daily: "Todo #1# dia", // E.g.: Every 2nd day
weekly: "Toda #1# semana", // E.g.: Every 2nd week
monthly: "Todo #1# mês", // E.g.: Every 2nd month
yearly: "Todo #1# ano" // E.g.: Every 2nd year
// These are used for translating weekdays in recurrence rules.
// See for example types.montyly_byday above.
weekday_translator: {
SU: "Domingo",
MO: "Segunda",
TU: "Terça",
WE: "Quarta",
TH: "Quinta",
FR: "Sexta",
SA: "Sábado"
// These are used for translating ordinal numbers in recurrence rules.
// See any example in types above.
ordinal_number_translator: {
The following regular expression replace rules are executed
sequentially on an ordinal number, the result is created by
the first matching rule.
This algorithm works for english:
- rule 1 replaces anything that ends with a number between 10 and 19 to, ie. 11th or 216th
- rule 2 replaces anything that ends with 1 to ...1st, ie. 1st, 21st, 1561st (note: rule1 handles 11 before this!)
- rule 3 replaces anything that ends with 2 to ...2nd, ie. 2nd, 22nd, 1562nd (note: rule1 handles 12 before this!)
- rule 4 replaces anything that ends with 3 to ...3rd, ie. 3rd, 23rd, 1563rd (note: rule1 handles 13 before this!)
- rule 5 replaces anything else to, ie. 4th, 24nd, 1564th
This might seem a bit complicated. For other languages, perhaps
you can be as simple as applying only one rule, which translates
everything to X. for, ie. 1. or 22. or 1563.
rule1: {regexp: "([0-9]+)", replace: "$1." },
rule1: {regexp: "([0-9]*1.)", replace: "$1th" },
rule2: {regexp: "([0-9]*1)", replace: "$1st" },
rule3: {regexp: "([0-9]*2)", replace: "$1nd" },
rule4: {regexp: "([0-9]*3)", replace: "$1rd" },
rule5: {regexp: "([0-9]*)", replace: "$1th" }
// The following are key-value pairs, where the values are
// displayed in certain points of the gadget user interface.
// There might be comments at the end of the lines which help
// the translation.
today: "Hoje",
tomorrow: "Amanhã",
others: "Outros",
days: "Dias",
lang: "Linguagem",
username: "Usuário",
password: "Senha",
logout: "Sair",
login: "Entrar",
reloadFeeds: "Recarregar lista de calendários",
feedlist: "Lista de Calendários",
close: "Fechar",
pleasewait: "Aguarde...",
error: "Erro",
weekdays: ["Dom", "Seg", "Ter", "Qua", "Qui", "Sex", "Sab"],
months: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Ago", "Set", "Out", "Nov", "Dez"],
dateformatflyout: "mon dd", // mon will be replaced to the actual month, dd to the actual day
dateformat: "dofw mon dd", // as abowe, plus dowf will be replaced to the day of the week
dateformatday: "dd mon yy", // as above
dateformatmonth: "mon yy", // as above
time: "Hora",
time12: "6:00PM", // could be for example "6:00 du."
time12am: "AM", // could be for example " de."
time12pm: "PM", // could be for example " du."
//forumtext: "Feedback and bug report on the",
//forum: "forum",
hintForum: "Forum",
key: "Chave",
//donatetext: "Please support this project if you find the gadget useful:",
height: "Altura",
width: "Largura",
edit: "Editar",
del: "Deletar",
hide: "Esconder",
unhide: "Mostrar",
help: "Ajuda",
lorem: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.", // this should not be translated :)
quickaddhelp: "O comando deve ser entrado como descrito na documentação em <a href=''>adicionar rapidamente</a> características Google Calendar.<p>Exemplo de simples evento:<li>Vá para o aeroporto às 5pm</li><li>Almoço com a avó na sexta-feira 12 pm</li><li>Cortar cabelo 2:15 - 3 pm amanhã</li>",
quickadd: "Adicionar eventos rapidamente",
quickaddcmd: "Comando",
add: "Adicionar",
create: "Criar",
cancel: "Cancelar",
ok: " Ok ",
suredeleteevent: "Tem certeza que quer deletar o evento?",
suredeletemsg: "No caso de eventos recorrentes, todos serão deletados.",
//suredeletemsg: "In the case of recurring event only this occurence will be deleted.",
surehideevent: "Tem certeza que quer esconder esse evento?",
background: "Usar plano de fundo",
versioncheck: "Checar nova versão",
newver: "Nova versão disponível",
backtoevents: "Voltar aos eventos",
calendar: "Calendário",
when: "Quando",
where: "Onde",
repeat: "Repetir",
retry: "Tentar novamente",
theme: "Tema",
notifysound: "Som de alerta",
choose: "Escolha",
defa: "Padrão",
custom: "Personalizar",
colors: "Usar cores",
showHiddens: "Mostrar itens ocultos",
checkGmail: "Checar GMail",
fontsize: "Tamanho da fonte",
dayslength: "From ?start? for ?days? days", // ?start? is replaced to starting date, ?days? is for length
loading: "Carregando...",
updating: "Atualizando...",
descr: "Descrição",
mark: "Marcar",
no: "Não",
text: "Texto",
hintMenu: "Menu",
hintScroll: "Scroll",
hintNewEvent: "Adicionar novo evento",
hintRefresh: "Atualizar",
hintCalendarHome: "Abrir Google Calendar no navegador",
hintMailHome: "Abrir Google Mail no navegador",
hintModeChange: "Mudar modo",
pleaselogin: "Por favor logue-se!",
please4gs: "Por favor, use o usuário e senhas que você se loga ao <a href=''>Google Calendar</a>!",
noevents: "Sem eventos em ? dias", // '?' will be replaced to the actual number
nofeeds: "Nenhuma calendário selecionado",
nomails: "Nenhum email não lido",
title: "Título",
quieterrors: "Não mostrar erros",
hidepastevents: "Esconder eventos passados",
authorizing: "Autorizando o serviço do Google Calendar...",
reloadingfeeds: "Recarregando a lista de calendários registradas para você...",
errorBadAuthentication: "O usuário e senhas utilizados estão incorretos.",
errorNotVerified: "A conta de email não pode ser verificada. O usuário deve acessar a sua conta diretamente para resolver o problema antes de logar usando essa aplicação.",
errorTermsNotAgreed: "O usuário não aceitou os termos. O usuário deve acessar a sua conta diretamente para resolver o problema antes de logar usando essa aplicação.",
errorCaptchaRequired: "A CAPTCHA é necessária. Por favor vá até <a href=''>Google Captcha Unlock</a> página para desbloqueá-la e tente novamente.",
errorUnknown: "O erro é desconhecido ou não especificado, a requisição é inválida ou foi mal-formada.",
errorAccountDeleted: "A conta do usuário foi deletada.",
errorAccountDisabled: "A conta do usuário foi desabilitada.",
errorServiceDisabled: "O usuário acessou um serviço que foi desabilitado. (A conta do usuário parece ser válida.)",
errorServiceUnavailable: "O serviço não está disponível, tente novamente mais tarde."
Thank´s for this helpful gadget
Double_Faster- Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-02-09
Re: New Translation: Portuguese-Brazil
Thanks! I'll put it on the next version I can (1.2.2, I think).
If you like to put your name/nickname/email in the file and the changelog, please send me in email to ilab at
If you like to put your name/nickname/email in the file and the changelog, please send me in email to ilab at
Re: New Translation: Portuguese-Brazil
Dear Ilab,
I saw in this new version 1.2.1 new words. I will update file and send to you.
I saw in this new version 1.2.1 new words. I will update file and send to you.
Double_Faster- Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-02-09
Re: New Translation: Portuguese-Brazil
Okay, thanks.
FYI: if you choose a language, the gadget generates a .missing file which contains those items which are missing from the actual language translation versus the English original. This file is located in the same directory as the translations.
This way it is pretty convenient to complete a translation, as you don't have to search for the missing items.
FYI: if you choose a language, the gadget generates a .missing file which contains those items which are missing from the actual language translation versus the English original. This file is located in the same directory as the translations.
This way it is pretty convenient to complete a translation, as you don't have to search for the missing items.
Re: New Translation: Portuguese-Brazil
Dear Ilab,
Translate Updated to version 1.2.1
I put some tag´s to identified where i changed. This tag´s is identified with "// New 1.2.1 version"
Translate Updated to version 1.2.1
- Code:
// General rules:
// - The encoding of the file, which is Unicode, must not be changed.
// - The name of the file should be [language].js where [language] is the
// name of the languages in English.
// - You can just put the file in directory "language" under the gadget
// directory and this is integrated automatically, you can choose
// the language on settings panel.
// - Translated by Ricardo P. O. - Updated version 1.2.1 - 23/02/2010
// This will be displayed in the language selector combobox on
// settings panel.
languagedisplay: "PortugueseBrazil",
// Recurrence part is for translating ical recurrence info returned
// by Google Calendar API to a human readable form.
recurrence: {
// These are templates for the supported types of recurrences.
// In the templates, #1#, #2# and #3# will be replaced to the
// proper data, see the examples after the templates.
types: {
weekly_byday: "Toda #1# semana na #2#", // E.g.: Every 2nd week on tuesday
montyly_byday: "Todo #1# mês em #2# #3#", // E.g.: Every 2nd month on the third tuesday
monthly_bymonthday: "Todo #1# mês em #2#", // E.g.: Every 2nd month on the 27th
daily: "Todo #1# dia", // E.g.: Every 2nd day
weekly: "Toda #1# semana", // E.g.: Every 2nd week
monthly: "Todo #1# mês", // E.g.: Every 2nd month
yearly: "Todo #1# ano" // E.g.: Every 2nd year
// These are used for translating weekdays in recurrence rules.
// See for example types.montyly_byday above.
weekday_translator: {
SU: "Domingo",
MO: "Segunda",
TU: "Terça",
WE: "Quarta",
TH: "Quinta",
FR: "Sexta",
SA: "Sábado"
// These are used for translating ordinal numbers in recurrence rules.
// See any example in types above.
ordinal_number_translator: {
The following regular expression replace rules are executed
sequentially on an ordinal number, the result is created by
the first matching rule.
This algorithm works for english:
- rule 1 replaces anything that ends with a number between 10 and 19 to, ie. 11th or 216th
- rule 2 replaces anything that ends with 1 to ...1st, ie. 1st, 21st, 1561st (note: rule1 handles 11 before this!)
- rule 3 replaces anything that ends with 2 to ...2nd, ie. 2nd, 22nd, 1562nd (note: rule1 handles 12 before this!)
- rule 4 replaces anything that ends with 3 to ...3rd, ie. 3rd, 23rd, 1563rd (note: rule1 handles 13 before this!)
- rule 5 replaces anything else to, ie. 4th, 24nd, 1564th
This might seem a bit complicated. For other languages, perhaps
you can be as simple as applying only one rule, which translates
everything to X. for, ie. 1. or 22. or 1563.
rule1: {regexp: "([0-9]+)", replace: "$1." },
rule1: {regexp: "([0-9]*1.)", replace: "$1th" },
rule2: {regexp: "([0-9]*1)", replace: "$1st" },
rule3: {regexp: "([0-9]*2)", replace: "$1nd" },
rule4: {regexp: "([0-9]*3)", replace: "$1rd" },
rule5: {regexp: "([0-9]*)", replace: "$1th" }
// The following are key-value pairs, where the values are
// displayed in certain points of the gadget user interface.
// There might be comments at the end of the lines which help
// the translation.
today: "Hoje",
tomorrow: "Amanhã",
others: "Outros",
days: "Dias",
lang: "Linguagem",
username: "Usuário",
password: "Senha",
logout: "Sair",
login: "Entrar",
reloadFeeds: "Recarregar lista de calendários",
feedlist: "Lista de Calendários",
close: "Fechar",
pleasewait: "Aguarde...",
error: "Erro",
weekdays: ["Dom", "Seg", "Ter", "Qua", "Qui", "Sex", "Sab"],
months: ["Jan", "Fev", "Mar", "Abr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Ago", "Set", "Out", "Nov", "Dez"],
dateformatflyout: "mon dd", // mon will be replaced to the actual month, dd to the actual day
dateformat: "dd mon dofw", // as abowe, plus dowf will be replaced to the day of the week
dateformatday: "mon dd yy", // as above
dateformatmonth: "mon yy", // as above
// New 1.2.1 version
weeknumformat: "Semana ?", // '?' will be replaced to the current week number of the year
time: "Hora",
time12: "6:00PM", // could be for example "6:00 du."
time12am: "AM", // could be for example " de."
time12pm: "PM", // could be for example " du."
//forumtext: "Feedback and bug report on the",
//forum: "forum",
hintForum: "Forum",
key: "Chave",
//donatetext: "Please support this project if you find the gadget useful:",
height: "Altura",
width: "Largura",
edit: "Editar",
del: "Deletar",
hide: "Esconder",
unhide: "Mostrar",
help: "Ajuda",
lorem: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.", // this should not be translated :)
quickaddhelp: "O comando deve ser inserido como descrito na documentação em <a href=''>adicionar rapidamente</a> características Google Calendar.<p>Single event examples:<li>Follow Little Red Riding Hood at 5pm</li><li>Lunch with Grandma on Friday 12 pm</li><li>Surgery (get Gradma out) 8/14</li><li>Blackmail the Hunter next Monday at 13:00</li><li>Haircut 2:15 - 3 pm tomorrow</li><li>National Wolf Conference 9/23 - 9/26 in Atlanta</li><p>Recurring event examples:<li>Blackmail the Hunter every Monday at 2pm</li><li>Whetting teeth on the first Tuesday of every month</li><li>Walk with Grandma on 9/1 monthly</li><li>Little Red Riding Hood's birthday June 19 yearly</li>",
quickadd: "Adicionar eventos rapidamente",
quickaddcmd: "Comando",
add: "Adicionar",
create: "Criar",
cancel: "Cancelar",
ok: " Ok ",
suredeleteevent: "Tem certeza que quer deletar o evento?",
suredeletemsg: "No caso de eventos recorrentes, todos serão deletados.",
surehideevent: "Tem certeza que quer esconder esse evento?",
// New 1.2.1 version
protext: "<i>Googler</i> é a versão PRO desse gadget. Ele tem vários recursos extras como"+
"<ul><li>Pré-visualização de mensagens Gmail</li>"+
"<li>Edição de eventos</li>"+
"<li>Temas definidos pelo usuários</li>"+
"<li>Ajudante de calendário mensal</li></ul>"+
"<p>Você pode aprender mais sobre o Googler em <a href=''></a>",
downloadthemes: "Download de Temas",
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
background: "Usar plano de fundo",
versioncheck: "Checar nova versão",
newver: "Nova versão disponível",
backtoevents: "Voltar aos eventos",
calendar: "Calendário",
when: "Quando",
where: "Onde",
repeat: "Repetir",
retry: "Tentar novamente",
theme: "Tema",
notifysound: "Som de alerta",
choose: "Escolha",
defa: "Padrão",
custom: "Personalizar",
colors: "Usar cores",
showHiddens: "Mostrar itens ocultos",
checkGmail: "Checar GMail",
fontsize: "Tamanho da fonte",
dayslength: "De ?start? até ?days? dias", // ?start? is replaced to starting date, ?days? is for length
loading: "Carregando",
updating: "Atualizando",
descr: "Descrição",
mark: "Marcar",
no: "Não",
text: "Texto",
hintMenu: "Menu",
hintScroll: "Rolar",
hintNewEvent: "Adicionar novo evento",
hintRefresh: "Atualizar",
hintCalendarHome: "Abrir Google Calendar no navegador",
hintMailHome: "Abrir Google Mail no navegador",
hintModeChange: "Mudar modo",
pleaselogin: "Por favor conecte-se!",
// New 1.2.1 version
checkeula: "EULA não aceita",
accepteula: "Eu aceito a EULA",
// -------------------------------
please4gs: "Por favor, utilize o usuário e senha que você se conecta ao <a href=''>Google Calendar</a>!",
noevents: "Sem eventos em ? dias", // '?' will be replaced to the actual number
nofeeds: "Nenhuma calendário selecionado",
nomails: "Nenhum email não lido",
title: "Título",
// New 1.2.1 version
trial: "Essa é uma versão de avaliação",
// ------------------------------
quieterrors: "Não mostrar erros",
hidepastevents: "Esconder eventos passados",
authorizing: "Autorizando o serviço do Google Calendar...",
reloadingfeeds: "Recarregando a lista de calendários registradas para você...",
errorBadAuthentication: "O usuário e senhas utilizados estão incorretos.",
errorNotVerified: "A conta de email não pode ser verificada. O usuário deve acessar a sua conta diretamente para resolver o problema antes de conectar usando essa aplicação.",
errorTermsNotAgreed: "O usuário não aceitou os termos. O usuário deve acessar a sua conta diretamente para resolver o problema antes de conectar usando essa aplicação.",
errorCaptchaRequired: "A CAPTCHA é necessária. Por favor vá até <a href=''>Google Captcha Unlock</a> página para desbloqueá-la e tente novamente.",
errorUnknown: "O erro é desconhecido ou não especificado, a requisição é inválida ou foi mal-formada.",
errorAccountDeleted: "A conta do usuário foi deletada.",
errorAccountDisabled: "A conta do usuário foi desabilitada.",
errorServiceDisabled: "O usuário acessou um serviço que foi desabilitado. (A conta do usuário parece ser válida.)",
errorServiceUnavailable: "O serviço não está disponível, tente novamente mais tarde."
I put some tag´s to identified where i changed. This tag´s is identified with "// New 1.2.1 version"
Double_Faster- Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-02-09
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